Optimising Your Product Pages for Search Engines

Ecommerce website design is more competitive than ever before. With around 60 million e-commerce customers, consumers have mostly shifted to shopping online, leaving just a tiny portion of the population that shops the old-fashioned way. Therefore, it’s clear that there’s a lot of room for growth in the realm of online retail.

But there’s more to e-commerce success than just throwing up a few product pages and crossing your fingers. Maximizing the potential of your online shop requires diligent attention to promotional efforts generally, with a particular emphasis on search engine optimisation (SEO).

Properly implemented SEO will not only boost visibility for your eCommerce store but also increase sales by making sure that potential customers find your site when they search for relevant keywords related to your products or services. Optimising product pages for search engines allows businesses to gain an edge over competitors and ensure that users can quickly and easily find what they’re looking for.

SEO Best Practices for Ecommerce Website Design

Applying these methods will increase organic traffic to your online store.

1. Use Clear & Understandable URL Slugs

Use “human-readable” URL slugs for individual product pages and across the whole site to ensure that customers will have no trouble keeping track of or sharing your links.

There are two main advantages to using human-readable URLs instead of merely a random string of characters.

First, they help to optimise your online store’s product pages for search engines by including keywords in the slug. Secondly, they make your site more user- and visitor-friendly by improving its usability and navigation.

Furthermore, URL slugs that are easy to understand make your shop seem more professional and trustworthy to consumers.

2. Add Real Customer Reviews in Your Web Page

Allow customers to rate and comment on your products. Although some people may be suspicious of what they read online, many others find reviews to be quite helpful in making decisions. Even if not all the reviews will always be shining with praise, it just adds to their credibility in a world where dishonest company owners buy positive comments.

3. Create a Compelling Call to Action (CTA)

Add a call to action once you’ve described the product. When used effectively, calls to action help guide clients from initial interest in a product to a successful transaction. They need to be simple, specific, convincing, easy to understand and culminate in the action you want the customer to do.

Add clickable “Add to Cart” and “Add to Bag” buttons for your online store’s products. Many stores also include a further call-to-action for customers to “Add to Wishlist” items they’re interested in buying later.

4. Use Keywords Strategically

If you take the time to compile a list of relevant keywords, you can better incorporate them into your listings. You should avoid overusing any one collection of words or phrases. Using too many keywords might hurt your rankings, especially in short product descriptions (usually 300 words or less). One way to prevent this is to use your target word sparingly.

  • Once in the page’s URL
  • Once in the page title and H1
  • Couple of times (2-3) in the main body
  • Once in the alt image tag

The aforementioned checklist is all that is necessary to have your site indexed and avoid search engine penalties for keyword repetition.

5. Supplement Text with Superb Photos/Videos

Customers are more likely to buy from you if they are convinced of the high quality of your items, and this is where high-quality photos come in. Create a picture gallery that showcases the product from various perspectives.

Never underestimate the value of videos. A video may increase conversion rates by 64-85%, and it can increase order values by up to 50%. Create video responses to frequently asked questions and instructions for using the products.


Content marketing has become more vital in an age when information reigns supreme. You can boost your online shop’s organic exposure in search engine results pages (SERPs) and help shoppers quickly locate the goods they’re searching for by embracing creative content creation and adopting an efficient search engine optimisation strategy. By implementing the suggestions above, you should be able to provide a more pleasurable shopping experience for your customers, leading to an increase in sales and revenue.

Contact Us Today for Ecommerce Website Design

Sean Dempsey Marketing
Sean Dempsey

With over a decade of experience, Sean is an amazing, data-driven inbound marketer who will manage the majority of the marketing funnel for your company. Sean attracts site traffic, converting that traffic into new leads for your business and nurturing those leads to close into customers. Contact Sean about Inbound Marketing.