7 Marketing Changes You Probably Haven’t Made
Changes to make to your marketing strategy that your customers will love
Today’s brave new world of digital marketing can mean making changes in order to adapt to the way your potential customers are communicating. Even if you are still delivering the same brand message, the platforms you use may need to change. If you are not keeping up with your customers, then your brand will ultimately become tired and lost among more modern businesses that have adopted the current favoured means of communication.
Here are some changes that we recommend you make to your Marketing Strategy.
Post Content on Your LinkedIn Company Page
LinkedIn may be not as well known to general consumers as Facebook or other social media platforms, but it is used greatly by professional people. By posting content on your business page and on your personal page, you are conveying a message to your audience: “We are professional thought leaders in this industry”.
Think Before Reprinting
Don’t reorder your flyers and mail-outs without considering their effectiveness compared to online alternatives. Many business these days find that using their marketing budget online increases their return on investment significantly. Social Media, email newsletters and strategic blog content can prove more effective and efficient than leaflets and print advertising.
Build a Network on Twitter
A lot of businesses avoid getting on Twitter because they fear that it will open them up to criticism and complaints. Yes, this is true, however it also gives you an opportunity to respond to these comments. Aside from that, Twitter is an excellent platform on which you can build networks through regular Tweeting and engagement with existing customers and enterprise thought leaders.
Ask your customers what they want.
They say that your brand is no longer what you tell people it is, but what people tell each other. So how can you utilise this tid-bit? The answer is simple: Ask you customers’ what they want.
There are a few ways you can do this. Firstly you can prompt them with post-interaction “feedback” emails a few weeks after they have bought something from you or contacted you with a customer service issue. Secondly you can generate a Survey Monkey survey for free to find out more about your customer; offer people something for their time spent filling out a survey, like a free sample or the chance to win something.
Redesign Your Landing Page
The landing page on your website should be clear of clutter and support the brand in simple ways. If yours is too chock-a-block with information, then it is time to remove the junk and shift it to other pages of your website.
Create Regular, Fresh Content
Why would people continue to return to your website if you are not providing them with something new each time? Include news updates, blog about things that will entice them to your site.
Use email marketing
Newsletters are a great way to remind customers about what you have to offer. A well-crafted, themed newsletter than includes interesting content relevant to your audience is an essential part of a modern marketing campaign.
If you are looking to take your Business’ online marketing further, get in touch with the experts. At emarkable we specialise in helping businesses implement marketing changes that their ideal customer will love. Contact emarkable on (01) 808 1301 or contact us by email on info@emarkable.ie.