Integrate Content Marketing and PPC for Better Results

Optimising your business is a necessary strategy in our modern world today. Businesses must share their products with specific target markets online to attract as many paying customers as possible. Today, content marketing and pay per click advertising are the most common and effective ways of optimising your business. The two strategies can complement each other because pay per click advertising uses SEO-friendly content to attract traffic organically, make your content more valuable and convert at a higher rate. This piece will show you how you can combine both strategies to get better output.

Know how each one works

Combining both strategies isn’t easy, and you need to know how both function. Pay-per-click marketing involves optimising your campaigns which means you need to do it to yield the desired results constantly. Content marketing involves content creation, so you must regularly create content to match your market’s needs. You will get the desired results when you keep creating new content and optimising them properly.

Create Great Content

You need outstanding content to use both methods and yield good results. Great content will encourage more clicks on your ads and higher turnovers. If you are unaware of what good content can do for your business, you need to look at what’s doing well in the industry today. Benchmarking leads to helping you formulate great ideas and improving what’s already there in the marketing industry. For great content, you need great sources, and ‘how to’ articles are the best way to help you create a good marketing campaign.

Know your Target Market

After creating your content, you need to know who you’re targeting. Pay-per-click marketing helps you target a specific audience by customising your ads on the location, behaviours, and interests of a particular group. When marketing, you need to research your target market, and knowing certain specifics about them will help you create content that will target their needs. Combining both strategies will give you a better chance of shaping your business into something that appeals to the masses and gives you better conversion rates.

Remarketing your content

When using both strategies, remarketing your content can improve the number of clicks you get. Your search engine rank improves because your audience tends to see your products on repeat. It is an amazing idea to capture your audience’s attention and improve your brand. One way of doing this is by tracking people who view your content by using a Facebook Pixel. These people become your custom audience, and when placing an ad, you can target your custom audience with your advertisement. Your content engagement will grow quicker, and your organic search results will improve.

Use the Best Keywords

Both strategies use keywords to reach a target audience when they search for words on Google. Words are a powerful marketing tool; to maximise both strategies, you need to research the best keywords that match your content. Long tail keywords and multi-word phrases are used to target a specific audience. Long tail keywords rank much higher on search results, thus making it easier for your market to find you online. Multi-word phrases help you look for specific information. Target both keywords to reach out to more people and help you find specific information.

Create an Amazing Landing Page

Content marketers are good storytellers, but even the most creative social media manager runs into trouble when attempting to create evergreen content. Create good content, but you need to make it relevant so that when people click your ad, it resonates with their feelings or thoughts. You should organise your landing page and reflect what your audience wants when searching for them online. The quality of the customer’s experience on your website will determine how they respond to your product.

Bottom Line

How you market your business determines how your audience responds to your content; when combining these two strategies, you need to be meticulous in your work and observe how the market evolves. If you don’t know how to market your website, contact Emarkable to assist you in your marketing journey.

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Sean Dempsey Marketing
Sean Dempsey

With over a decade of experience, Sean is an amazing, data-driven inbound marketer who will manage the majority of the marketing funnel for your company. Sean attracts site traffic, converting that traffic into new leads for your business and nurturing those leads to close into customers. Contact Sean about Inbound Marketing.