What we learned at the IrishWIB International Women’s Day Event

Celia, Claire and Maria spent the morning and afternoon of the 8th of March at Citywest for the Irish Women in Business Network’s International Women’s Day event.

The 8th of March was International Women’s Day; a day which, even in a first world country, is still of great importance to mark. The Irish Women in Business Network  hosted a morning/early afternoon event celebrating women in business, most notably their bravery.

We’ve put together some of the take home points from the day.

Bad things will happen, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t destined for great things

Donna Kennedy and Nikki Bradley both spoke at the event. Both of these women had life experience that we can’t even imagine going through. Donna suffered with life threatening anorexia, and later in life was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, spending three months in mental health hospital, despite actually having epilepsy. Nikki Bradley has beaten Ewings Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Both of these women could have laid down and refused to fight; they had already fought so much. Yet both of them have achieved enormous success in different ways. Donna is the author of a best selling book and runs a very successful business, Nikki Bradley has achieved many physical challenges, including scaling an Iceberg, something most of us couldn’t fathom doing. They have both faces unimaginable life challenges and they have both achieved remarkable things.

Emarkable- International Women's Day

(L-R) Maria, Claire & Celia at the IrishWIB International Women’s Day event

Great Results happen by creating great habits 

A wonderful gem by Donna Kennedy, this rings true in life and in business. We can’t expect results if we don’t change how we are doing things. In terms of marketing; how you are doing things and assess whether you are getting the results you need. If not, it’s time to make a change, whether that’s introducing new platforms, changing your message or outsourcing the task.

Think about what people are going to do as a result of watching you

This was a fantastic point made by on-camera confidence coach Lottie Hearn. While her point was specifically related to video, it can be applied to all aspects of your marketing and business representation. Everytime you post a blog, social media post or speak to someone, always think about what you want people to do as a result of it.

Likability is more important than credibility

Another excellent point from the formidable Lottie. Of course credibility is essential in all businesses but in terms of your marketing, people really only respond to likability. Personality is everything, especially on video.

Stop justifying your worth 

Yasmine Vorajee put this point across and it really stuck with us. Stop justifying your worth, you are priceless but your time is valuable. Your skills, work and results speak for themselves but you as an individual are not your business.

Don’t be afraid to ask for support 

Business is tough and there is no reason you can’t get support with certain elements that are out of your skills sphere. Yasmine Vorajee understand’s the inclination to ‘do it all’, however she says that it is fair smarter to recognise where your talents don’t lie, and outsourcing those tasks.

We had a fantastic time at the IrishWIB event, and it was refreshing to be surrounded by so many determined, successful and remarkable women. We would like to thank Denise Whitmore for arranging the event, and all the wonderful speakers, as well as the people we spoke to throughout the day. If you are thinking about outsourcing your marketing please get in touch with us and we will arrange a meeting. 


Richard Coen

With over 21 years of experience in Digital Marketing, 31 years in sales and 25 years in business development, Richard assists companies to develop key growth strategies on a local or international basis. He can assist marketers to achieve balance in their approach to key areas affected by the growth in digital marketing.