How Regularly Should You SEO your Website
The question “How regularly should you SEO your website?” is one that is frequently asked by corporate website managers and those with a basic knowledge of e-marketing strategies.
The answer, of course, depends on what you want your website to do for your business, but in many cases, the purpose is to generate leads and create sales. Achieving a high ranking from a search engine is essential. Being on the first or second page of a list of search results is highly desirable, if you want to attract new custom. Therefore, adding SEO material to your site should not be an afterthought in an e-marketing strategy, but something that lies at its heart and conducted frequently.
What counts as SEO these days?
In the past, creating a web page stuffed with a few keywords here and there was enough to get your blog, corporate website or e-commerce store ranked reasonably well enough. Today, this simply won’t do, so the time to act is now if you have not added any content to your site for a few months. Even really well laid out landing pages with plenty of unique SEO content will start to slip down in the rankings over time. This is because all of the major search engines favour sites with updated content. However, what this content is can be highly varied. Yes, you might opt for the tried and tested blog route, which adds information that readers can find useful, perhaps focussing on a niche in your industry, but that is not the only option. SEO content may now also include a Twitter feed, other cross-references with social media, video blogs and even updated product descriptions on landing pages. All of these things work as SEO content – it’s advisable to not just stick to one method.
How regularly should you SEO your website with new articles?
One of the mainstays of many digital marketing strategies, new articles can do a number of things. Firstly, they provide the sort of new content that search engines love. Secondly, they should genuinely offer something valuable for the reader, thus encouraging users to like and share your content, reinforcing its SEO credentials. Lastly, they can be used to promote your products and services, especially when they are focussed on the sort of things you do, or offer a unique insight into them. Regular updates means weekly additions of SEO content for many sorts of business, but you could add new content as frequently each day, perhaps by reacting to industry news and developments as they occur. For longer and more reflective articles, less frequency is demanded.
How frequently do you need to ‘refresh’ content?
Along with new and original content, you can make your existing content more optimised by refreshing it; updating articles with new findings, resharing content on social media to drive up visits and so on. This might need to happen less regularly than adding new content, but it is often a great way of attracting traffic to your key landing pages – and your home page – which can soon become out of date compared with other web locations, like blog and news sections.
So, to answer the question ‘How often should your website?’: often. The benefits of small, regular changes far out weigh that of irregular SEO overhauls. Keep your website updated with relevant, valuable content and keep tabs on your keywords. If you need assistance with SEO, please get in touch and one of our experts will be in touch.