The Future of Lead Generation Post COVID
In every industry, in every country around the world, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc. While some nations are still struggling to contain outbreaks, others are beginning to reopen their economies. For all, it’s a strange, new world, and the future of lead generation will look very different moving forward. What should you know about how to best generate leads in this new environment? We’ll explore some of the most critical tips and best advice below.
Should we play the waiting game? Is it too soon to start reaching out to potential new clients?
No, it’s never too early to reach out for lead generation. In fact, most businesses are pushing forward with new initiatives, even if their teams are working from remote locations. It’s a question of survival and growth. Unless your business is forced to close, you need to move forward to survive. Thankfully, it’s possible to not just survive but to thrive in this new environment.
Will there be anyone to answer the phones if we keep moving forward?
The Future of Lead generation-related phone calls definitely took a hit in the post-COVID-19 world. We’ve all gone remote, so the natural shift is toward using email as the primary communication tool. However, it didn’t remain that way for very long. In fact, many switchboards are happy to forward calls to an exec’s or decision-makers’ mobile even in a world where working from home is the norm. Not just that, but previously scheduled video conferences and business meetings are being rescheduled as phone calls.
Is it really acceptable to market a business during a pandemic? There’s so much fear and uncertainty out there.
Yes, marketing right now is acceptable. However, you need to understand how lead generation has changed with the pandemic. Your clients’ needs aren’t what they were a month ago. Start by asking questions to learn what’s changed and how you fit into the new picture. This also allows you to offer help and provide the support that so many need in this strange, new world. With that being said, make sure that you’re able to show empathy and practice compassion. This isn’t a time for brazen sales pitches or exploitation. Be kind and proceed like there’s no sale at the end of the conversation.
Can I really achieve lead generation with a video call?
Expect things to be a little slower than they once were. However, that doesn’t mean that lead generation is impossible. Plus, there’s the fact that when things do start to get back to something resembling normal, you need to have already hit the ground running. There’s going to be a massive explosion as businesses scramble to make up for lost time and lost growth opportunities, and the only way to ensure that you’re part of that conversation is to be there right now.
Is everything really going to work out for the best?
Yes, there’s always hope. However, what you need to realise here is that people are looking for advice and guidance as much as they’re looking for a partner to solve their product or service-related challenge. Provide that guidance, offer that advice without any strings attached, and you’ll be able to start building a pipeline to generate new leads.
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