What Is Digital Marketing?

The Internet has enabled even small businesses to compete on a global level. However, in order to get your products in front of your audience and build your profitability, you need to market them correctly. Digital marketing is nothing more nor less than the promotion of goods or services through online channels. It’s that simple. However, it’s also that complicated.

Digital marketing is not a single practice. It is a combination of tactics and techniques designed to help you build your audience, drive traffic to your website (or other online destination), reach customers through social media, and even via email. So, what activities and techniques fall under that heading? There are many, and more are being added all the time. Some of the most visible include the following:

  • SEO
  • PPC
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Remarketing
  • Mobile ad marketing
  • Social ad marketing
  • Display ad marketing
  • Social selling
  • Affiliate marketing

The above are just some of the activities that comprise digital marketing. Each offers something different, whether that’s better reach, better engagement with your audience, better visibility in search results, or something different. There are other activities, too, such as online PR, inbound marketing, lead nurturing, campaign tracking and reporting, and more.

Can you go it alone when it comes to digital marketing? Not really, at least not unless you’re a large firm with your own marketing department staffed by trained professionals. For the average small business, digital marketing is a vast sea of unknowns filled with unanticipated costs and pitfalls that can sink your business rather than lift it up on a tide of profitability.

The answer to this challenge is to work with a trusted marketing expert who not only understands your business and your audience but also today’s best practices when it comes to building a successful online presence.

Digital marketing was once little more than writing keyword-based content for website pages. Today, it has grown into much more. Digital marketing now comprises an incredible range of techniques and tools, all of which are designed to help you reach and engage with your audience while positioning your business as the solution to their challenge or problem. For small businesses, handling things like email marketing, social media marketing, SEO, PPC campaign monitoring, social selling, and content marketing can be incredibly challenging. A trusted marketing expert can make all the difference, helping you reach your audience and build success.

Digital marketing has changed significantly from what it once was. What was once manageable by a single person now requires a team of trained experts. From social media marketing to website SEO, PPC monitoring and reporting to social selling, a trusted pro can help.

How can our digital marketing strategies work for you?

Richard Coen

With over 21 years of experience in Digital Marketing, 31 years in sales and 25 years in business development, Richard assists companies to develop key growth strategies on a local or international basis. He can assist marketers to achieve balance in their approach to key areas affected by the growth in digital marketing.