Construction Company Photos 15 Point Checklist for Success

One of the most effective ways for construction companies to demonstrate their skills and competence is by publishing a photographic record of their work.  In other words, telling the story of a project in a series of remarkable photos.

Using “before” and “after” photos of a project is a brilliant way to show prospective clients the difference that such a transformation can achieve.

Photos taken to chronicle each step of the process are often known as “milestone photos” and will be welcomed by the current client.  Sharing the progress of their project on a regular basis delivers an invaluable level of confidence that the work is moving ahead smoothly.

Some contractors use milestone photos to reduce risks – a method of capturing visual records during the building process that documents the work of contractors and sub-contractors before the work is hidden from sight behind walls, under flooring and above ceilings.

A photographic record of the progress of a construction project doesn’t just serve to keep the client informed, it’s an ideal opportunity to create your own visual marketing resources.

A well-presented record of each construction project will enable you to demonstrate your company’s skills and competence to prospective clients in a dramatic and attention-grabbing manner.

Having a visual record of all the different projects you have brought to success will demonstrate your company’s versatility to prospective clients.  A portfolio of photos of different types of construction, refurbishment, remodelling or repair work is a clear record of your past achievements and should inspire confidence in prospective customers.

These visual records of construction projects can be used both digitally and in print to showcase your company’s achievements to future customers who are considering hiring your company to work on a project.

Here is a handy checklist of best practice guidelines to follow when taking photos to create a visual record of the building process:

  1. Be Safe – Before embarking on a photo shoot, don’t forget to make sure you’ve done a risk assessment and that you have all the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep you safe on site, such as hard hat, safety boots, goggles, etc.
  2. Spread the Word – Make sure that the site supervisor is informed every time you take photos so that your safety is not compromised whilst shooting.
  3. Be Accurate – All photos should be date, time and position stamped in order to provide an accurate record of the construction process at each stage.
  4. Plan Properly – Take your time on each shot, think about what you are trying to convey and what the image should look like.
  5. Get Close – Take close-up photos so that the work can be seen in detail.
  6. Be Candid Camera – Don’t clean up the area before taking photos of work in progress – show your employees surrounded by tools and materials as they go about their work.
  7. Action – Make sure you include photos of the construction team at work, however messy it may look. Bland photos of construction sites or finished projects lack personality and perspective so keeping the workers in the shot will add interest and vitality to the images.
  8. Frame It – taking a thoughtful approach to the composition of the photo will pay dividends in the long term as a well-framed photo is more likely to draw the viewer’s attention to the focal point.
  9. Crafty Composition– Make sure each photo clearly shows the details that you want to bring to the viewer’s attention.
  10. Let in the Light – Lighting plays a huge part in determining what viewers see so make sure that the focus of the image is well-lit.
  11. Sun Position – check the position of the sun before taking outdoor photos to make sure that you always shoot with the sun behind you.
  12. Be Creative – think about the message you want to get across with a particular shot and choose an angle or focus that draws attention to this. Take photos from an unusual angle from time to time to make them more interesting.
  13. Time it Right – If it’s an ongoing project, set a timetable for taking photos of each element of the construction process so you can present clients with a detailed visual record.
  14. Keep it in Perspective – when taking photos of the complete project (either for “before” photos, for overall work in progress records or images of the finished project), getting the perspective right is essential. Plan a series of shots that will convey spatial relationships and clearly establish the scale of the project.
  15. Presentation Plan – think about how you want to present your photographic record to the client (and to future clients as a marketing resource). Organise the images chronologically and think about adding a caption to each image in order to grab the viewer’s attention.

You don’t need to hire a professional photographer to take great photos – the tips we’ve provided should provide you will all the information you need to create a visual record you can be proud of.

Neither do you need to buy expensive cameras and lenses – a smartphone with a good quality camera (20 Megapixels) will do the job nicely and provide an authentic visual record of projects you’ve completed.

If you need some help with how to use these visual records in your future marketing campaigns, why not get in touch and let one of our experts give you the advice that will take your construction company to the next level?

Download here for the Taking Construction Photos Checklist.

Richard Coen

With over 21 years of experience in Digital Marketing, 31 years in sales and 25 years in business development, Richard assists companies to develop key growth strategies on a local or international basis. He can assist marketers to achieve balance in their approach to key areas affected by the growth in digital marketing.