5 Content Marketing Myths
As time proceeds, the definition of content marketing expands, as does its importance in business today. That being said, content marketing is a relatively new concept, which means that there are a number of myths circulating about it. We’re here to bust some myths about Content Marketing on the blog.
Content is the modern marketer’s bread and butter. It’s the very core of what makes digital marketing work in business today. However, there are many misunderstandings and myths about content marketing that we feel needs to be addressed.
1.Content is just blog posts
A common misconception is that content marketing just refers to blog posts. In actuality, it refers to all content tied in with the brand. This includes blogs, social media, videos, infographics, graphics, photographs; the list goes on. Blogs are, therefore, just one small part of an overall plan to generate leads and revenue through content marketing.
2.Not all businesses need content marketing
A sentence we hear from clients quite often is ‘Our customers aren’t online’. There are 2.4 Million people in Ireland using Facebook, 700, 000 Irish people on Twitter, and our country has the highest usership of Snapchat in the world; chances are, your customers are online, whether you think it or not. More and more, people are using the internet to research products and services before they commit to a particular company. The fact is, in business today, everyone needs to embrace content marketing if they want to keep up with how consumers interact with businesses.
3. Email Marketing is dead
We’re tired of ‘XYZ is dead’ blog posts storming the internet in a bid to lure clicks and terrify the unsavvy. Email Marketing is not dead; in fact it has become one of the most efficient and effective ways of marketing to current and prospective customers for your business. It’s a way of communicating latest developments and additions, encouraging engagement and generating increased interest in what your business has to offer. With marketing automation becoming more relevant in marketing today, email marketing is fast becoming a must-do for all businesses.
4. Content should be focused product and services
One of the biggest mistakes our clients make before they come to us is only writing about their products and services. Selling via a blog post or only posting what you sell on Social Media is a completely ineffective content strategy. It rarely, if ever, works to a company’s advantage. This is why there are so many business owners out there who are adament that Social Media and blogging don’t work for them. So what does work? The short answer is: adding value to current and prospective customers’ online experience. Create blog posts that help them with a problem or explain something they might be interested in. On Social Media, be amusing, show a little personality, be advising and helpful. These are the elements of content marketing that will create a lead building platform.
5. B2B doesn’t need Content Marketing
Emarkable is a b2b company and we generate most of our custom through content marketing. The majority of our clients are b2b, and content marketing is incredibly effective for generating leads and increasing revenue. Business to Business customers research the services and products relevant to them as much as a consumer might, therefore it makes sense to employ well thought out content strategies if you are in this sector. Whether you are an office supplies retailer, an IT company or a corporate catering company, you need the kind of content that will make people want to work with you, and continue to work with you.
Content Marketing is an essential part of marketing today; it enhances your brand, your visibility and your engagement rate online. If you are interested in learning more about how content marketing benefits businesses as part of an Inbound Marketing plan, download our Outbound Vs Inbound Information sheet below.