Things you should know about Marketing Automation

These are things every business owner or marketing manager should know about Marketing Automation.

Back in January we told you that Marketing Automation is the hottest thing in Marketing this year. Now, we’re here to tell you that it’s only getting hotter, and that there are things every business owner and marketer simply needs to know about marketing automation.

While it may be an entirely new concept to most marketers and business owners, there is no denying the effectiveness of Marketing Automation as part of well thought out marketing strategy. This blog post isn’t being written to sell Marketing Automation to you, though, its purpose is to deliver the facts. For a real assessment of marketing automation alternatives click on the link.

  1. You still need a sales process

Don’t take the word “automation” too literally. Your business still needs to maintain a strong internal sales process. You can automate the process of sending effective emails, but you still need to monitor engagement, adjust the campaign accordingly and make the move on potential leads at the right time.

  1. The benefits of marketing automation are almost endless

While it won’t make the sales for you, the benefits are practically endless. You’ll be able to communicate better with your current and potential customers. You’ll learn more about what your target audience wants. Your business will benefit from a tailored and well thought out campaign process. The list goes on and on.

Marketing Automation

  1. SMEs can benefit from it too

When talking to our customers about marketing automation, we’re often met with a reaction of humbleness: “we’re too small for that”. The fact is, Marketing Automation isn’t just for the big guys. It used to be quite costly, but now with Marketing Automation solutions available for a few hundred per month, as opposed to thousands, it’s accessible by businesses of all sizes. Ultimately it would be recommended for smaller businesses to employ MA as soon as possible as it will increase their bottom line if used to great effect.

  1. The results can be slow

If you’re not familiar with how modern marketing works, you might get frustrated with a lack of immediate results. The fact is, Marketing Automation can be slow, mainly because people react to marketing slower these days. Gone are the days when we see an ad and think “I must buy that”. We see something, forget about it, see it again, think about buying it, forget about it, see a great offer for it, then buy it. The idea is to stay in the consciousness of your potential customer by sending them relevant, valuable content and offers based on their initial contact. Once the results do start rolling in, you can rest assured that Marketing Automation is working.

  1. Marketing automation can speed up the B2B Sales Process

Marketing automation may take its time to get the leads in, but it makes your sales process much quicker. As your automated system has been nurturing leads while you work away on other things, when it comes to your first personal contact with them, you’re  going to get the sale through faster. They know your business, they understand what you’re selling, so know they just need to trust you!

If you want to move your sales process further, Marketing Automation is what you need. Contact emarkable to discuss your options.

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Richard Coen

With over 21 years of experience in Digital Marketing, 31 years in sales and 25 years in business development, Richard assists companies to develop key growth strategies on a local or international basis. He can assist marketers to achieve balance in their approach to key areas affected by the growth in digital marketing.